Archive for December, 2012

Window Glass Protectant

It may be raining in the Central Valley of California, but there’s no reason your windows have to stay dirty.  Let us apply a window protectant to keep the water and dirt from sticking.  Watch it bead up and run off carrying the dirt with it. This also protects shower doors and window glass from hard water stains  Happy Holidays.

Green Slippery Moss

It’s that time of year when the shaded areas of your driveway and sidewalks start to grow that annual crop of green moss.  Not only is it unsightly, its also slippery.   Give us a call for some pressure washing to remove it.

Water-Fed Pole

Even while its raining we can do a quick clean with our water-fed pole and let the DI Water do the work.  Give us a call for your party or social gathering today. Happy Holidays